Julia Software Install
For Julia software to run from the terminal app, the following environment variables must be set below
This will allow students to install additional Julia packages in their home folder under the .julia folder. To set up a Julia kernel that allows central installation of packages do the following. Start terminal app, set enivronment vars as above. Start Julia.
using Pkg Pkg.add("IJulia") IJulia.installkernel("julia-shared-1.8", env=Dict("LD_PRELOAD"=>"", "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"=>"","JULIA_DEPOT_PATH"=>"/home/.hub_local/.julia:/home/$USER/.julia"))
This will place the new Julia kernel in
Will want to copy that folder to
cp -r .local/share/jupyter/kernels/julia-shared-1.8 /home/.hub_local/share/julia-kernels/.
Exit out of the terminal app. Then log off your JH instance and re-login in. It should now display a new tile icon for the julia-shared-1.8. For students to see the same tile icon they will need to run the following commands in the terminal app first
mkdir -p .local/share/jupyter/kernels ln -s /home/.hub_local/share/julia-kernels/julia-shared-1.8 ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/.
Then they will also need to logout of their JH instance and log back in.