Installing Ruby From Source
To install Ruby you will first need to install the libyaml from source
To install libyaml do the following:
1. change into the source directory
cd libyaml-0.2.5
2. Run the bootstrap script
3. Run configure script with prefix set to /home/.hub_local
/configure --prefix=/home/.hub_local make make install
That it for the libyaml prereq. Next need to download the source code for Ruby here
To compile first need to set the following environment variables
export CPPFLAGS="-I/home/.hub_local/include" export LDFLAGS=-L/home/.hub_local/lib
Then change the directory into the Ruby source folder and run the configure script
./configure --prefix=/home/.hub_local make make install
That should be it.
wiki/software/ruby.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/17 12:49 by keistc